Kontakt 4 Factory Library - Choir | KONTAKT | 3.11 GB
The Choir Collection, sampled exclusively for Native Instruments, provides a complete set of soprano, alto, tenor and bass voices. Each section of the choir was split in two groups and recorded separately to provide maximum fexibility and this was put into use in the majority of the provided instruments. In addition, a signifcant amount of patches make use of the new Authentic Expression Technology giving you a new level of control: the choir voices can seamlessly morph between vowels while holding a key/note.
Here is the folder structure of the Choir Collection:
Vocal Keyswitches Patches using key switches to switch between vowels.
Vocal Morphs Patches utilizing the AET flter to morph between vowels.
Vowels Alto Patches featuring the alto section providing additional control over the two groups.
Vowels Bass Patches featuring the bass section providing additional control over the two groups.
Vowels Choir Patches featuring the whole choir providing additional control over the two groups.
Vowels Soprano Patches featuring the soprano section providing additional control over the two groups.
Vowels Tenor Patches featuring the tenor section providing additional control over the two groups.
Instrument Controls
The Sound knob morphs through preset EQ settings.
The Chord knob enables the chord function of the built-in harmonizer. You can deactivate it by turning it all the way to the left, or you can select the desired chord using any of the other options. The exact notes that are going to be triggered are relying upon the Key and Scale settings.
The Dynamic KS switch turns the dynamic key switches on or off, while the Dynamic Release and Dynamic Fade knobs control the respective parameters (for a detailed description of the key switch functionality please see section 1.4. Key Switches).
As well as using the key switches to switch through vowels, you can also select a vowel by clicking on it’s name in the Vowel menu.
The Key column can be used to remap the key switches, while the Load buttons can be used to load or unload any of the sample sets of each one of the vowels. This can be used to save memory by unloading a sample set when it is not used in a certain project.
The Level, Attack and Release knobs adjust the respective parameters of the currently
selected vowel.
The Group 2 switch activates the second group of the choir. When activated, the two groups are also slightly spread in the stereo feld.
Morph Instruments
These instruments use the all new Authentic Expression Technology flter to morph between vowels. The names of the instruments describe their vowel content:
• Choir Morph [a-e]
• Choir Morph [a-e-i-o-u]
• Choir Morph [a-i]
• Choir Morph [a-m]
• Choir Morph [a-u]
All instruments are essentially only using the “a” sound sample set, and achieve the morphing
by applying the spectral fngerprint of the other vowels to those original samples.
If you want to morph between the vowels using your mouse you can use the Morph knob.
Alternatively you can use the modulation wheel or aftertouch capabilities of your keyboard.
To control the intensity of the modulation use the Mod Wheel and Aftertouch knobs on the GUI. You can also invert the polarity of the controls using the Invert switches.
Group Mix Instruments
As previously stated, all the choir sections (bass, tenor, alto and soprano) where split into two sub groups, which were recorded separately. In the instruments of this category you have extensive control over the two groups. You can fnd those instruments in the following folders:
• Vowels Alto
• Vowels Bass
• Vowels Choir
• Vowels Soprano
• Vowels Tenor

1 comentarios:
Hola, esto está excelente, pero no puedo acceder a los enlaces, ¿hay alguna forma? gracias!
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